Sunday, June 9, 2013

Life.... Getting closer to graduation

I should be absolutely thrilled.... there are exactly 2 months til graduation... I only have to make through 7 more weeks of clinical and then BAM! I'm the real deal after 7 long years of school. However instead of being able to fully embrace the closing of this chapter, all I can see is a panic filled count down to taking my board exams (T-6 weeks!). It's kinda sad that I feel like the excited-ness of graduation has been dampened by the nervousness of taking The Test. So like all good students instead of fully committing myself to studying (which don't worry I am spending a majority percentage of my day on) I also find myself procrastinating and both dreaming of the future while reminiscing of the past.

I miss my younger days when maybe my most difficult choice of the day was which horse was I going to ride.

I miss this, I think I most accurately miss the horses (along with the easiness of decisions required of me). So in this way I can't wait to graduate, get settled, make some money, and get back in the saddle (literally!). And even though its just 8 weeks away... it still seems so far off.